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Dec 24, 2015

Hello sweet Angel.   Today is Christmas eve and we enjoyed time with family and friends.      We were thinking how wonderful it would be if you could come visit just one more time.     We need a hug and would love to hear you giggle.    Miss you and love you much Momma and Daddy


Happy Thanksgiving beautiful Angel.    We are thinking today about how very thankful we are to be your parents.    We are so very blessed.    Love you much and hope your day is so very special.     Miss you………… Momma and Daddy


Wishing your grandmother a Happy Birthday today, I know you are watching over us.   Love you much….. Momma  


Hello Baby Girl……….. Please give Grape an extra big hug for us today…. since it is her one year anniversary in Heaven with you and her other loved ones.     We thank you for watching over all of us daily by God’s side.    Miss you both so much…. heart … Momma and Daddy


Happy Election Day……………………… Best Wishes for Martha Hooker.


Happy Halloween lil Angel.    We hope your day is filled with lots of fun and we hope you enjoy the full moon tonight.    Shine bright sweet doll.   Love you much……….. Momma and Daddy


Thinking of you today our sweet doll.     Happy fall.   Enjoy the sunshine, the beautiful trees and the cool breeze.   Love you much. Momma and Daddy.


I know you are watching down on Grandmother and Granddaddy today as they celebrate their 55th Wedding Anniversary.   Please continue to send blessings to all of us.   Our only comfort is knowing you are with our sweet heavenly father.   Love and miss you so much…………. Momma


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL ANGEL OF OURS.   We love you so very much.   We hope you are dancing with the angels on this special day.    Love you more…. Momma and Daddy


Hey Baby thinking of you tonight.   It is Tee and Flo’s birthday.   I know you are celebrating with them.   Love you Momma