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Happy Groundhogs Day pretty Angel.    I thought about you a lot today…… remembering when you gave me my sweet mother/daughter ring on my 40th birthday……. and I have not had it off since…….. 14 yrs later.     Love you much and love that you are with me daily….. you are my heart.. Momma


Playoff day baby girl…… your Pats are winning at half-time……….. lets do this…. brings back so many memories of the first time we HAD to pull for this team when you and Ethan showed up at the house to watch the Superbowl…………………   been fans since that big WIN…. watching you and him celebrate.    Love you […]


Hi baby girl…. it has been a crazy 2016… hoping you have a great New Year’s Eve…. we had dinner at your favorite restaurant and Bjorn mentioned sweet memories of you.   Love you much…. hoping for a great 2017 that is happy and healthy.   Love and miss you much, Momma and Daddy

Merry Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas sweet angel of ours.    We so hope you are laughing, dancing and enjoying every day with that beautiful smile on your face.   We miss you sooooo much it hurts, but we find peace in knowing you have no pain and never have bad days.    Love and missed forever, Momma and Daddy.


Happy Thanksgiving to our sweet doll………. I am making your pumpkin muffin stuffin….your favorite…… miss you more than words can say……….you are the light of our life and we are so thankful…love you much…Momma and Daddy


Happy Halloween Sweet Angel.   Love and miss you so much…….. Momma and Daddy


Hello Birthday Girl.     Dragonfly kisses and Birthday wishes to our wonderful daughter.    We miss your hugs, we miss your giggles, we miss being with you.    We cherish every memory of you.     We hope you are having a great day and keep smiling.   Love you much, Momma and Daddy

July 13, 2016

Hi Doll………….. We are choosing your scholarship recipient this week, and already you have helped soooo much.    Please keep a watchful eye as we seek God’s help in choosing the right one.     All of the essays are amazing.    Love you much..  Momma and Daddy

July 4th weekend

Happy 4th of July weekend baby girl…………. I know it was one of your favorite times………….. love you more … Momma and Daddy