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13 months and missing you more than ever

It has been 13 months and we miss you more than ever…… we wanted to let you and everyone know that we have chosen a recipient for your scholarship award…… hopefully we will meet her this week….. more to come soon to all the charter member donors… Thank you all for making this possible. Heart, […]

MARCH 27, 2008 — ONE YEAR

Our pain and our love for you grows stronger everyday….Each day we talk to you, hold your stuffed elephant, smell your perfume, etc….. and in doing so, we feel your presence.  People who say, the pain will pass, or that time will heal, or anything to that effect…. have not lost the most special gift in […]

photo album number 2

Hello to all, Just a note to share with any and all who visit onjo’s website.  Photo album number two has been uploaded.  We chose to include Jordan Spark’s new song “NO AIR”, this is intended to share mine and her Daddy’s feeling of not being able to breath after the loss of our ANGEL.  […]


FOR A LOVING DAUGHTER, by Emily Matthews What is a Daughter?  A Daughter is a special gift that only life can give, She makes the sweetest difference in the family life you live.  Her smile reflects her happiness, her hopes are all her own, She fills you with the nicest sense of pride you’ve ever […]

welcome to 2008

We want to welcome all of our family and friends visiting Onjo’s website….. Happee 2008.   Blogs will be updated at random, and this website will be updated quarterly with new pictures and info.  Thank you for visiting with Onjo.     Always, Donna and Gerry.